The Encounter - Apostle Elijah Olopade

There is a burden erupted in my spirit with a surge of a heavy weight of concern to the body. This burden was birthed as a result of how watered-down the essence of spiritual encounters have become in the body of Christ, that the little we experience we pour so much honor into it, because there seems to be an alarming rise in the scarcity of tangible spiritual encounters in the body, and men who truly have such heights of encounters are tagged foreign to the body because of our lack of access and understanding. That men who truly have encounters do not share Cause of the attacks the body of Christ raises against them, and as a result of skepticism and disbelief in the reality of such encounters. 

In an attempt to correct these foundation that has been built up through the ages this burden has been placed upon my heart, not in bid to raise a name or appear more spiritual but to release a life and enlighten the body on the portals and gates opened to us. 

I hope to communicate if I’m allowed how men can have access to innumerable encounters daily, as their lives are sharpened in divine possibilities, and on the strength of this, capacity and ability is provided. 

If your strength fails you in the day of battle, it means you were never prepared. One thing the body of Christ has failed to reach and practice is to live a life  continuous preparation; that believers live each day as it comes, and that coincidence has become a norm in the body. 

Gods paradigm for who a man is was that men were to coordinate the affairs of this realm and so nothing meets us by surprises see are the deciders and commanders of this realm. But how men were to achieve this was by communion. 

The Bible speaking said Adam at the cool of the day fraternized with the Father of all Spirits. 
Man was created and became a living being by the very Spirit of God, although our native design was that we were to be as God is. So we were created in “HIS IMAGE”, and were meant to become “HIS LIKENESS”. God created us in His image (not flesh, cause a spirit doesn’t have flesh), and provided a means of how we were to become like Him (LIKENESS); this means was by ENCOUNTERS. That the more man fraternized with Him via encounters embedded in fellowship with Him, we would become like Him. 
The more you converse, fraternize with a spirit the more of a spirit you come alive to, Roman's spoke of the position of our heart, which was that we should set our hearts and mind on the things above, this was because our life force and sufficiency comes from above. 

As I prayed this morning, a thin fog something like a smoke crept through my window, this was just few minutes into the prayer, many of such encounters I’ve had in the place of prayer, even whilst I meditate or just alone in my room. And so it dawned on me that the prayer life of believers will die lest they come alive in the spirit via the agency of encounters. 

Many have believed that it is a prayer schedule that delivers encounters but no. Encounters happen to men who have a life of prayer, a praying life. Read my article on THE ERROR BEFORE US 5, where I gave a summary on this kind of prayer, the fact that you prayed doesn’t mean you will have encounters. 

At the initial days of my walk with God, most encounters I had met me unaware or unprepared, but as I grew I gained mastery of certain things in the Spirit that I know when an encounter looms, I’ve mastered or learned to know when the atmosphere deepens.

The body of Christ has lost a degree of sensitivity. And those who have had access have faltered into building doctrines on their encounters. Encounters are PERSONAL experiences, of which the Holy Spirit expresses Himself to a man, not for doctrine, but that a message is delivered, and an assignment given. 
I will stop here for now and continue in the next series. My desire howbeit, is that believers understand the essence of encounters, not to underrate and overrate it’s efficacy but that we truly experience the glory embedded in a spiritual walk with the Holy Spirit.